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saving money

How to Start Saving

Brink's Money

29 Nov 2021

You could probably say that at times the most difficult part of saving is actually getting started.  When it comes to saving, it’s important to have money set aside in case of an emergency or if you plan on investing in your future. Having a savings account that you regularly contribute to can provide you with a sense of comfort and stability to face any financial hurdle that might come your way. Taking the initiative to start saving is a process so we have compiled a few ways to help you out:

Record Your Expenses and Budget

Before you even start taking steps to saving, the first thing you need to do is look over your expenses and create a budget accordingly. To determine your expenses, it’s helpful to write down how much income you bring in each month as well as your monthly expenses such as rent, food, gas, and other necessary items. When looking at your expenses, you also want to account for any coffee runs or eating out you do to get a better understanding of your spending habits. After you get a sense of what you spend in a month you can create a budget that tracks your spending and limits your overspending and you can start saving more. Aim to save anywhere from 10 to 15 percent of your income.

Write Down Your Savings Goals

With working towards a goal whether it's related to money or not, it's always a good rule of thumb to write it down first. Putting your savings goals in writing will help you hold yourself more accountable for achieving them. You can always start with one goal and then start brainstorming short-term goals. In this step, make sure your goals are SMART or specific, measurable, actionable, relevant, and timely.

Automate Transfers to Your Savings Account

Have you ever heard the saying “out of sight, out of mind?” It’s usually brought up when talking about someone but it also relates to saving money. Using an automated tool to make regular deposits into your savings account will give your account the boost it needs. The great thing about automated transfers is that almost all banks offer it and you have control over how often and how much you transfer each time. With automatic transfer, money can make its way to your savings account before you even get a look at your checking account so you don’t have to think twice about money you didn’t realize was there in the first place.

Pay Down Your Debt

There is no bigger hurdle to your saving initiatives than debt. Paying off any debt you have is essential to creating more disposable income each month that you can set aside for your savings goals. Financial experts say one of the most effective methods towards tackling your debt is the snowball effect in which you pay off your debts starting with the smallest and making your way up to the largest. On the other hand, you can also start by paying off any high-interest credit card debt you have.

Cancel Unnecessary Subscriptions

Nowadays, people have multiple subscriptions you pay for monthly whether it’s a service to watch movies, listen to music, or have a gym membership. You may not realize how much money is going towards these subscriptions because they are automatically taken from your account but the reality is that when you look at your expenses at the end of the year, you can notice that they add up. If there are subscriptions you don’t use on the regular, then it might be time to cancel them and use the money you saved towards your savings goals.

Discover Ways to Cut Expenses

Saving money is a process that takes time so when you feel like you’ve been working on it for a while, you might start thinking about more ways you can cut expenses. Here are a few bonus tips to help get you started:

  • Cut the cord on cable: Stick to one streaming service and save big.

  • Negotiate your phone and utility bills

  • Buy generic groceries: Cut your grocery bill by ditching brand-name items.

  • Refinance loans: Help you lower your monthly payments or help you pay less in interest over time.


We all want to make it a habit to save more money to better prepare us for any expenses that may come later down the road. At a glance, saving can seem impossible especially when you already have costs to attend to on a regular basis. Luckily, there are simple ways to get started that will make the process worth it when you check your savings account. All you need is some time and patience and you’ll be well on your way to success.


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